Some updates
It has been a while! I’ve no art to share unfortunately; I haven’t really had any motivation to draw. I think most of that is that I’ve hit a wall in terms of what feels like progress, but parts of that has also been that I haven’t been getting much enjoyment out of it. I hope to go back to art at some point, but in the mean time I’m going to draw when I feel like it and share it if I want.
Doing so much drawing has also really subtracted from my time for music, which has always been my bigger passion (though I don’t post about it here). I’ve been making a lot of cool things musically recently and working with friends on songs, and that’s been my creative outlet for a while now. I’m going to keep doing that; I didn’t realise how much I missed it.
I’ve also started in my slow but sure transition into industry recently, and have make a linkedin! You’ll be able to find it on my contacts page in a moment here, but hopefully this will help me to get a job after I finish grad school. I’m hoping to work in chemistry still, but I might also like to see where life takes me. I’m starting to get the feeling that science isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be, but I’m hoping a shift in perspective or a different kind of work will change my mind.
Anyways that’s all for now. Going to update the rest of this website shortly. Speaking of, I might spend some time making a new one; this one’s fine, but a bit, how do we say, “ugly.” I’d like to write one from scratch that’s prettier; I’ll update things here if I end up doing so.